1. 株主優待の内容、対象となる株主様
2. 株主優待実施の目的
当社は株主の皆さまに対する利益還元として、2019年3月期まで10期連続の増配を続け、株主優待におきましても、期末(3月31日現在)の株主の皆さまを対象に、『株式新聞ウェブ』や『My 投資信託アプリ(有料サービス部分)』の無料購読クーポン、『アラプラス商品』の無料引換申込券などを贈呈してまいりました。
仮想通貨XRP:金融機関の送金において法定通貨間のブリッジ通貨としてオンデマンドの流動性を提供するものとして設計されたデジタル通貨。フィンテック企業の米国Ripple社(リップル)が効率的なグローバル送金のソリューションとして活用しており、世界レベルで急速に広がっている。国内では、当社の親会社であるSBIホールディングス株式会社と米国Ripple社が合弁企業としてSBI Ripple Asia株式会社を設立しているほか、SBIホールディングス株式会社と多数の銀行との共同出資で設立されているマネータップ株式会社は、米国Ripple社のソリューションを利用した送金アプリ「Money Tap」を提供している。なお、SBIホールディングス株式会社の代表取締役社長北尾吉孝は米国Ripple社の役員も兼務している。
3. 株主優待の手続き
優待の対象となる株主様には、「株主優待のご案内」に「口座開設クーポン」を同封いたしますので、SBI VCトレード株式会社に口座の開設をお願いいたします。株主様の口座の開設後、当社口座より株主様の口座へXRPを振り込みいたします。
当社が運営する仮想通貨アプリ「My仮想通貨」から、SBI VCトレード株式会社の口座開設ページにリンクをいたしますので、仮想通貨アプリ「My仮想通貨」のダウンロードのうえ、SBI VCトレード株式会社に口座の開設をお願いいたします。
(1) SBI VCトレード株式会社に口座の開設、「My仮想通貨」のダウンロードともに無料です。
(2) 当株主優待は、1単元(100株)以上を保有する株主の皆様に、株主様の保有株式に係わらず、一律、仮想通貨XRPを30 XRP(30単位)贈呈いたします。
(3) 仮想通貨の価格は、その仮想通貨の需給、仮想通貨市場全体の需給、法定通貨及び金融商品市場の動向等により価格が変動します。2019年8月27日18:45現在の価格は、1XRP=28.38円ですが、当社口座より株主様の口座へXRPを振り込みする時点の価格は異なります。
(4) 本株主優待の申込み期限を2020年3月31日までとさせていただきます。
(5) SBI VCトレード株式会社に口座を開設し、仮想通貨XRPの取引を行うため、また、仮想通貨アプリ「My仮想通貨」をダウンロードするためには、パソコン、スマートフォン、タブレット型端末などインターネット環境が必要です。当該インターネット環境は、株主様ご自身で準備していただく必要があります。
(6) 仮想通貨XRPについては、仮想通貨アプリ「My仮想通貨」をご参照ください。
(7) 仮想通貨アプリ「My仮想通貨」については、別紙をご参照ください。
August 28, 2019
Morningstar Co., Ltd.
We are pleased to announce today that we have decided to present the virtual currency (cryptographic asset) XRP as an interim shareholder special offer as described below.
1. Details of shareholder benefits, eligible shareholders
30XRP virtual currency XRP for shareholders who hold one unit (100 shares) or more as recorded or recorded in the shareholder register as of September 30, 2019 (30 credits) will be presented. Note (2) (3)
2. Purpose of implementing shareholder benefits The
Company will continue to increase dividends for the 10th consecutive period until the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, as a return of profits to shareholders, and the shareholder benefits will be targeted at shareholders at the end of the fiscal year (as of March 31). In addition, we have presented free stock coupons for “Stock News Web” and “My Investment Trust App (paid service portion)”, and free exchange application tickets for “Alaplus products”.
As already announced, the Company has applied for market changes to the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section, and will use September 30, 2019 as the record date for further profit return to shareholders. We decided to increase the interim dividend, and at the same time, decided to present the virtual currency XRP as an intermediary shareholder benefit program.
Virtual currency (cryptographic assets) is already used globally in various situations such as settlement, remittance, and operation, and in particular, the practicality of virtual currency XRP, which is used for efficient global remittance, will further increase in the future. As a result, we believe it will be one of the important asset classes in asset management.
Our basic management philosophy is to “contribute to the accurate asset formation of each and every investor”, and we have provided a wealth of investment information with no bias. With regard to virtual currency, we have been actively providing virtual currency price information and related news through the “My Virtual Currency” app operated by the Company.
We would like to provide our shareholders with the opportunity to use the virtual currency XRP in addition to the information provided by the “My Virtual Currency” app.
Going forward, we will continue working to improve shareholder value, thank our shareholders for their daily support and patronage, and continue to improve overall shareholder returns.
Virtual currency XRP: A digital currency designed to provide on-demand liquidity as a bridge currency between legal currencies in the transfer of financial institutions. Fintech company Ripple (Ripple) is using it as an efficient global money transfer solution, and it is spreading rapidly at the world level. In Japan, SBI Holdings Co., Ltd., the parent company of the Company, and Ripple, Inc. of the United States have established SBI Ripple Asia Co., Ltd. as a joint venture, as well as money established through joint investment by SBI Holdings Co., Ltd. and numerous banks. Tap Co., Ltd. offers Money Tap, a money transfer app that uses a solution from Ripple. Yoshitaka Kitao, President and Representative Director of SBI Holdings, Inc. is also an officer of Ripple in the United States.
3. Procedure for Shareholder Benefits In
mid-November, the registered address of shareholders who hold one unit (100 shares) listed or recorded in the shareholder registry as of September 30, 2019 Information will be mailed.
Shareholders who are eligible for special benefits will receive an “Account Open Coupon” in the “Shareholder Special Offers”, so please open an account with SBI VC Trade Co., Ltd. After opening the shareholder’s account, we will transfer XRP from our account to the shareholder’s account.
We will link to the account opening page of SBI VC Trade Co., Ltd. from the virtual currency app “My Virtual Currency” operated by our company. After downloading the virtual currency application “My Virtual Currency”, we will register an account with SBI VC Trade Co., Ltd. Thank you for opening.
(For details, please refer to “Guide to Shareholder Benefits” which will be mailed in mid-November.)
(1) Opening an account with SBI VC Trade Co., Ltd. and downloading “My Virtual Currency” are free.
(2) This shareholder benefit program will give 30 XRP (30 units) of the virtual currency XRP to shareholders who hold one unit (100 shares) or more, regardless of the shares held by the shareholders.
(3) The price of the virtual currency will fluctuate depending on the supply and demand of the virtual currency, the supply and demand of the entire virtual currency market, the legal currency and the financial product market. The price at 18:45 on August 27, 2019 is 1XRP = 28.38 yen, but the price at the time of transferring XRP from our account to the shareholder’s account is different.
(4) The deadline for applying for this shareholder special offer is until March 31, 2020.
(5) To open an account with SBI VC Trade Co., Ltd. and conduct virtual currency XRP transactions, and to download the virtual currency application “My Virtual Currency”, an Internet environment such as a PC, smartphone, tablet terminal, etc. Is required. The Internet environment must be prepared by the shareholders themselves.
(6) For virtual currency XRP, please refer to the virtual currency app “My Virtual Currency”.
(7) Please refer to the attachment for the virtual currency application “My Virtual Currency”.