
IOTA to commit Coordicide


IOTA foundation have announced a huge upgrade to their DLT, and have called it Coordicide.

The IOTA Foundation is preparing to take its most important step to date in the maturity of the IOTA protocol — realizing the dream of a permissionless and scalable distributed ledger technology (DLT). We refer to this event as Coordicide: the death of the Coordinator

With the launch of the Coordicide website we are proud to unveil our blueprint for the Coordinator’s removal — a momentous step towards realizing IOTA’s promise as the first decentralized and scalable DLT.

The website offers a detailed introduction to the challenge of scaling DLT. Those more familiar with these technical challenges can jump right into the main content — a description of the building blocks that make up our solution, and the features and strengths of a post-Coordinator Tangle. Of course, we have also included our technical papers, and encourage you to delve into them.

It is both exciting and humbling to have achieved our current level of progress in such a short space of time. Indeed our first research summit (ReSum) was held in Barcelona only in February of this year. The maturation of the IOTA Foundation has been a critical factor in our recent successes. In November of last year, we announced the formation of the IOTA Research Council, comprising Prof. Bill Buchanan, Prof. Robert Shorten, our director of research Moody Alam and co-founder Serguei Popov. The team’s sole focus is now on actualizing the ideas presented on the website — a goal we believe to be eminently achievable.

Removing the Coordinator from the IOTA network will realize a long sought after goal in the field of DLT: scalability without centralization. The solution itself is inherently modular, meaning that users will have ultimate freedom to tailor the system to their individual needs. Its implementation will be a major milestone in the IOTA Foundation’s goal of creating a truly enterprise-ready DLT.

We hope you enjoy our video introduction to Coordicide.

Have a look at the press release here.

We look forward to providing updates about the progress of our simulations, prototyping, and incoming testnets. In the meantime, please feel free to submit feedback through the website, or join us on  for a chat!

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