
Interview; Peter ‘Snakebite’ Wright Answers Some Krispy Questions

I thought you’d like to hear from Peter Wright,  an undeniably talented darts pro, who is also known affectionately as; “the man with the hair“.  Peter has been making a name for himself on the oche recently, with some fantastic performances on TV.

I must say thanks to Red Dragon for passing on my questions, and Naomi Wright (Peter’s daughter) for typing up the replies and getting them to me via twitter.  Possibly my first twitterview?!

You’ve just broken into the top 32 in the world – do you set yourself goals like reaching specific rankings by certain times or do the numbers not mean much to you ?

Yes I try to set targets, like I want to be in the top 16 this time next year or better!

Where do you see yourself going – how high up those rankings can you go ? 

I believe I can go all the way otherwise I wouldn’t play!  But alot of work on my game is needed to reach that target.

Looking across your results this year you’ve only missed out on money once on the pro tour and have 4 quarter and one semi final to your name and not forgetting a last 16 at the worlds and quarter finals at the euro championships!  It’s been some 2011 for you so far hasn’t it !?

Yes its been good so far, it’s all down to giving up me league darts and cutting my drinking down too and putting more practise on the board.

Comparing results with last year , you really seemed to have kicked up a level- is there any one thing you can put down to that ?

It’s a similar answer to the question above just a lot of practise and dedication to the game and of course learn to enjoy the game too and don’t put pressure on yourself.

How was the European championship for you? The German fans seem to pick you up as one of their favourites ?

Yes this was a great learning curve , I’ve come back knowing I’ve got to play slower and aim with every throw of a dart!  The German fans were fantastic they gave me great support maybe because I’m different not like the rest of my fellow pro’s.

Would you like to get into the Scottish team for the world cup nest year? How different do you think it would feel to play on stage in a ‘team event’ rather than as an individual ?

That’s my target and I would be so proud to play for my country where I was born and to play along sides of great players like Gary Anderson , Robert Thornton and John Henderson.

I cant ignore it forever – when did the whole thing with the hair start ?

The hair thing started because of my daughter Naomi she usually has great mad hair so we try it and we liked it and its stuck now it gives me confidence having it done.

Could you ever now go up on stage with just short back and sides?

 No! when i go bald I’ll properly paint it different colours lol !!

Obviously your darts image is colourful, but what are you like as a person ? Loud n brash or more thoughtful and quiet ?

I think im a very silly person and quiet. ( haha yeahs dad is very silly !)

What do you like to do when youre not playing darts – what is the perfect non darts weekend for snakebite?

Spending time with the kids.

My last question; I’ve seen you arrive to pro tour events with Merv King – I take it you’re good friends ? Has he been on hand with any good advice as you’ve moved up the rankings and stared to appear more on tv ?

Merv is like a brother to me and has been there for me through ups and downs in my life and I thank him for that, and I hope he can say the same about me too. Yeah he gives me advice and helps about what its like to play on TV, not a lot of people get along with Merv but only because they dont know him, he’s one of the best darts professsionals you can meet!

Thanks again to Peter and family for the interview.  Peter is one of the Red Dragon team, and you can see and buy his distinctive darts here.

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