
Interview; Chris Mason talks Darts Radio and Possible Comeback

It’s no secret that I  am a fan of Chris Mason, both for his talent on the oche, and also his straight talking knowledgeable darts punditry.   Chris gave me my first chance to visit the pro tour last year, inviting myself and ‘Danger’ as his guests. Chris announced he was taking a break from the game about a year ago, formally on TV at the 2010 Grand Slam of Darts.

Well if that left you thinking that darts had lost a special talent and a true character of the game, read on!

Q. So Chris, I see on twitter that you are talking about an internet darts radio show coming in 2012, what’s the general concept going to be?

I took a idea to Matchroom quite some time ago to do a darts radio show from the pro-tour weekends, the concept of the show was to report live from each event with interviews with the winners and those that came second, I also had the platform in place to stream the finals from each event. Sadly this didn’t leave the meeting room and got shelved. I knew at this time I had to take an extended leave from darts for physical and mental reasons and this would have filled the void perfectly.

After so much research and effort put into this project it was something that I knew I wanted to take another look at when the time was right.

Its no secret I now have management company, MM Sports Consultants are looking after my business interests and they have shown a real interest in everything I want to do and were well aware of my passion to do a radio show.

After many hours of research we now have the concept in place to broadcast across the world via USTREAM, who some fans may know is now used by the world leaders in internet Broadcasting including HBO. There will be free apps in place so as long as you have a mobile connection you can listen to it live anywhere, the car, train, home, even while your having a throw! It will also be available as a podcast to listen at your leisure.

To start with it will be broadcast live for 2 hours on a Wednesday night and will be thrown over to the fans for the vast majority of the show to discuss the current issues in darts, debate will be key and everyone has an opinion and I want to hear it. Also there will be guest presenters, interviews, results, playing advice, a guest bookmaker giving premier league specials and tv event odds. I will also be taking it on the road, competition winners will co-present with me from there local pub or club.

Q. Can you tell us who is behind it – is it your idea or did someone come to you?

Team Mason! all of which will be revealed soon enough

Q. I take it this is a natural extension of your TV work – but maybe a way to talk to the fans with less editorial restrictions?

Absolutely, in any sport we need to hear what the fans want and what they have to say, no fans mean no money, fans are key and I really think they need to have their say and tell the powers that be what they want.

Q. Will it be tied to an organisation or code?

Absolutely not, its for darts fans and as we see at Lakeside every year there is thousands of BDO fans who will also want there say, who know maybe they will get the chance to ask their favourite player why he will not play in the Grand Slam!

Q. I know a lot of fans were disappointed to hear that you’d retired from the game, but anyone who follows you on twitter will know that we could be seeing the comeback in 2012 – what changed your mind?

If I am honest the comeback is still far from concrete, I still have a lot of hard work to get myself to the level of the guys around the top 50 in the world, I had no choice for my own well being to walk away from the sport but now I’m back.

Q. You seem to be taking a ‘holistic’ (sorry for the poncy word) approach to you preparation – physical, mental, health, along with practice – I take it you feel that just throwing darts isn’t enough these days?

Its no secret I lived my life a little off the straight and narrow and I accepted this well into the remainder of my final couple of years but always knew if I really played the game and was 100% committed I could add another 10-15% to my level,  that’s all I think I need to run the current elite close, The last time I was healthy I went through a great field of players to reach a protour semi final against a world class field including Whitlock, Webster, Anderson, Klaasen, but even then I was no where near 100%

I am now in a much better place mentally and Physically, as part of my new management team and Team Mason associates I now have a leading personal trainer, who i’m sure is trying to kill me I am proud to say i am now a non smoker which was one of the very first things that had to go if I wanted to compete, for many health reason but more so for the amount of time you spend out in the cold when you should be preparing for your match.

Q. I read the other day that you’re not going to be posting on darts forums so much at the moment, can I ask what’s behind that?

Due to their nature its quite a free for all and anyone can type rubbish, just look at my wiki page! I just feel if I’m to be taken seriously I don’t need to be arguing with keyboard warriors and fanboys, thats not saying forums don’t work in sport.

Q. I was personally pleased to hear you play down some of what I considered over-hype of the whole Nicholson – Taylor thing during the Euro champs. Do you ever wonder if it’s your straight talking and refusal to hype certain players which has kept Sky from your door? I only ask because you probably know a lot of darts fans often call for your to be part of the Sky team!

To be honest the whole SKY thing makes me sick and trust me when I’m back they wont get a thing from me, and if they force me into a interview they wont ask again.

The players they are being embroiled into their little hype machine and ultimately pay the price via the DRA.!

Yet its quite funny their stance on why they wont listen to the people who subscribe and give me a shot, yet many of their leading lights are far from crystal, but that is pretty much how they run their business.

I’d like to thank Chris for answering my questions – you can follow him on twitter (@chrismasontv) if you want to keep an eye on his training and preparation for 2012 qualifying school, his thoughts n betting tips, and of course how the darts radio concept is progressing.  Also keep an eye on his new website; as content is being added all the time.  Hopefully we’ll be seeing and hearing from Chris during the ITV coverage of the player championship finals early December.

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